Protect Kenilworth Square

Celebrating all our Square has to offer as a natural resource for Dublin's local and wider community.

Proposed Redevelopment of Kenilworth Square by St Mary’s College, Rathmines

The most drastic changes to the parkland in the long history of this beautiful Victorian square are being proposed. If implemented, they would destroy its unique character forever. Instead of a park we would have a floodlit Football Stadium. The loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitats would be incalculable. The visual amenity and tranquillity of the Square would disappear. The daily noise and light pollution would be intolerable, while traffic congestion and parking issues would be severe. The redevelopment proposed and the commercialisation of the Square are completely unacceptable to residents and locals. They demonstrate a total disregard for heritage, conservation, environment, biodiversity, and the community.


Two visualisations of the proposed changes have been created. They were achieved by overlaying the school’s planning proposals onto existing images of the Square. This gives residents and visitors the ability to see clearly and assess the real-world implications of the proposals.

Image 1: Aerial Visualisation of the Proposals from the South-East corner of the Square

St Marys Kenilworth Square Proposal Kenilworth Square Today

Move the slider to see the before and after picture of the Square

Image 2: Aerial Visualisation of the Proposals at Night from the South-West corner of the Square

These images depict the proposed development using aerial imagery, combined with information released by St. Mary’s College, Rathmines. The 4G synthetic pitch with six 18 metre floodlights is in the rear.

This visual representation contains the following proposed changes to the Square:

  • 4G Synthetic/Plastic full length rugby pitch.
  • Six x 18m (59 ft) high floodlights.
  • 1.2m-high fences.
  • The loss of historic trees.
  • Destruction of the ecology of the park.
  • Destruction of wildlife habitats.
  • Large new ten-roomed Pavilion.
  • Covered Spectator Viewing Area.
  • Additional vehicular entrance.
  • Car parking inside the park for a total of 15 vehicles, including coaches.
  • 38 Bicycle parking spaces
  • Major traffic congestion and parking issues as training and matches to be played on the floodlit synthetic pitch ‘IN ROTATION’.

Image 3: Visualisation of the Proposals at Night from the North-East corner of the Square

St Marys Kenilworth Square Proposal Kenilworth Square Today

Move the slider to see the before and after picture of the Square

Above is a visualisation of the proposed development at night, using an actual photo combined with information released by St. Mary’s College, Rathmines.

This visual representation depicts the evening view that would exist after the proposed changes. The removal of historic trees would exacerbate the adverse effects of floodlights being placed in a historic park. The tranquillity and darkness so vital for nocturnal wildlife would disappear.

If you think that this planning proposal is inappropriate and would like to help, please

Remember this is what we are trying to protect!