Please sign the petition to protect Kenilworth Square
There is growing concern about the planned redevelopment and commercialisation of Kenilworth Square, one of Dublin’s most beloved squares, a place rich in heritage and natural beauty. On 22 August 2024 St. Mary’s College Rathmines obtained EXEMPTION from planning permission for Phase 1 of their plans – to install a 4G PLASTIC pitch, plus a 1.2m high fence surrounding the pitch.
This is horrendous, but just a prelude to the additional developments planned for the Square.
See also Dublin City Planning Reference 0285/24. This planning exemption, and the expected subsequent planning application for Phase 2 of the St Marys College Rathmines full plan, will change forever this precious natural amenity.
We principally object to their plans for the following:
- 4G Synthetic/Plastic full length rugby pitch.
- Six x 18m (59 ft) high floodlights.
- 1.2m-high fences
- The loss of historic trees.
- Destruction of the ecology of the park.
- Destruction of wildlife habitats.
- Large new ten-roomed Pavilion.
- Covered Spectator Viewing Area.
- Additional vehicular entrance.
- Car parking inside the park for a total of 15 vehicles, including coaches.
- 38 Bicycle parking spaces
- Major traffic congestion and parking issues as St Mary’s College plan to rent out the pitches to a variety of clubs, with training and matches to be played on the synthetic floodlit pitch ‘IN ROTATION’.
We urge you to join us in our efforts to preserve the unique character of the Square by signing our petition here.
Your support is crucial in ensuring that heritage and biodiversity are prioritised over private commercial interests. Together we can make a huge difference, and protect the Square for present and future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
Your support will send a powerful message that Kenilworth Square MUST be protected.